Cremation Memorials

Cremation Memorials
The choice of cremation is a personal decision that has become more popular with each passing year. When cremation is chosen, many believe that memorialization is not necessary. However, grief experts and a multitude of studies have shown the importance of establishing a permanent memorial regardless of the chosen method of disposition. Psychologists agree that those left behind after the loss of a loved one or close friend need a place to visit, reflect and remember. Cremation memorials service those needs.
Traditional cremation memorials can be as simple as a plaque on the face of a cemetery niche, a flat granite or bronze marker installed on the cemetery grounds or even placing the cremated remains inside the configuration of a granite cemetery memorial. Non-traditional cremation memorials are functional structures not necessarily set in the cemetery. These may be a granite pillar or lantern erected at home in the family garden, a granite bench installed at a favorite golf course, or even in the form of a rustic boulder installed on a hiking trail in the park or by a river or lake.
Unique cremation memorials, whether traditional or non-traditional, can perpetuate cherished memories and fulfill all of our desires to remember the individual loss of life.
Please view the gallery below to examine the various options that are available when selecting a cremation memorial.